Alternating Pressure Mattress
Alternating Pressure Therapy System
Non-powered Dynamic Self-Adjusting Therapy System
Adjusts to conform to the specific weight and shape of each patient
Available With or Without Safety Side Bolsters
Built-In Integrated Heel Slope
Sizes: 36” x 80”
Weight Capacity: 400lbs.
Eight Horizontal Foam Filled Air Cells
Vapor Permeable, Four-Way Stretch Cover

Low Air Loss & Alternating Pressure Standard Mattress
3-inch foam base prevents "bottoming out"
in the event of a power outage
Pillow function maintains the air in cells at the
head for patient comfort
CPR quick deflate at head of mattress
• Quilted nylon zipper cover is low shear,
fluid-resistant, and vapor permeable
Two modes of therapy - static or alternating
Variable pressure setting for maximum comfort
Support patients up to 350 lbs.
Low Air Loss & Alternating Pressure Premium Mattress
Low Air Loss & Alternating Pressure Therapy System
Sizes Available: 36”, 42” and 48” (Bariatric)
Weight Capacity: 300 lbs., 600 lbs. and 1000 lbs.
Lateral Rotation and Pulsation Therapy
Happy Heel Option Softens Foot Section
Effective Therapy For All Stages of Pressure Injuries
Vapor Permeable Nylon Top Sheet
Two-Inch Convoluted Foam Base for Extra Safety
Auto Firm Provides Immediate Firm Surface
Available With or Without Safety Side Bolsters

United Mattress
Combination of memory foam and air cells allow for patient's weight to be equally distributed
No electricity or electric pump needed
Stays below 32 mm of Hg
CLINICALLY PROVEN to heal stage 1-4 wounds
Able to control the head, middle and foot section independently of one another
NO NEED for wedges or heel boots
Sturdy perimeter on all models to allow for easy patient transfer and movement
Bariatric 42" x 80" 750lb CAP
Scoop 37" x 80" 500lb CAP

Let us help you select the correct therapy surfaces for your short term rental or purchase needs.